
My display at icon

My art display at icon this year. First year showing at the con... And i earned myself second place overall in the show. And let me say, some of the other artists here are amazing. I'm still in a small amount of shock. Very cool to be me right now.


Anonymous Kacy said...

How cool!!! I wish I coulda gone. Very professional looking! ^-^

GO Phrogie!!! :D

May 3, 2007 2:34 PM  
Blogger Phrogie said...

Thanks. Yeah... I was looking to make it look as professional as I could (given the lack of tools I had on hand... I am -so- glad I took that afternoon to re-matte everything). Next year I know to bring something to actually cover the board with (I saw others do that)... and maybe come up with something to hold cards with (MacGuyver would have been proud of me for what I wound up using to hold cards).

Hmn... now we just have to get you a display there ;)

May 4, 2007 4:03 AM  

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